Talk to him on Yacht: Don't tell him your sexual role till the conversation is ended.
Kitchen: Tell him you can cook.
Your bed: take a rest -> check pool from your balcony (Join them) ->go pool
Swim pool: Sit down along -> Smile to Alex
Pool Party: spent money for fun, No prefer the type of guys. Choice him.

Don Johnson
Metro: look at him and smile> Appreciation of appearance> introduce yourself FIRST> book> show interesting.
Talk to him on Yacht: that's it.
Mansion: knock on his door> almost naked> deny.
Your bed: take a rest -> check pool from your balcony (Join them) ->go pool
Swim pool: Sit down along -> Smile to Don
Pool Party: investment -> Preferring wise guy -> Choice him.

Starter Room: get the unknown phone number and call> Okay.
Park: go Pee> keep staring> admit you are gay> excuse> lie(Deny).
Talk to him on Yacht: Happy to see> Follow the words.
Mansion: knock on his door> ask for the event> Agree.
Your bed: take a rest -> check pool from your balcony (Join them) ->go pool
Swim pool: Sit down along -> Smile to Frank
Pool Party: Care family> Save money> Choice him.
Ex route:
Check the window of Frank's balcony when you arrive at your room on the island.

Starter Room: get the flashlight.
Beach: talk to him> appearance> tell him your real job.
Talk to him on Yacht -> most attractive> Material> don't care> is possible.
Dock: get the necklace and check the clue to active the mission.
On the road: win the prize> only for you.
Mansion: Knock on his door and active the mission.
Dock: Keep asking, Pretend you don't know> Pretend to look,
Pool Party: strong personality> don't really care> Choice him.

Starter Room: get the unknown phone number and call> Okay> Get the money.
Park: Praise Service.
Ex route: ( you will miss Rex forever, but at least you can have some fun instead...)
Starter Room: get the unknown phone number and call > Okay > Take the oil from your room
Park: Hiding> Use Oil

Intro: Choice the Arm-shape Dildo
After rescue: keep flirt him.
Have fun and enjoy the Dead Dating world! 😗
Can u updates :3 ?
how do you save them all?
I want to make Frank mine. But when I call the random number and go to the park, I can't pee, stare and do what step 2 tells me to do. :/ Do I need the DLC for that?
Will this be updated for 1.7?
I feel stupid how do I get into the phone in his apartment
Thanks for the walkthrough. Wasn't aware that there was one. I'm going to try the pool one.
<3 <3 <3
Thank you so much for the information I totally miss the Necklace event xD I just spend the last 4 hours unlocking everything I could and looking forwards for the full game even if I have to buy it xD
Right now I am just trying to complete the game with as many love as I can get from 3 guys and being caught as the suspect killer just to see what happens lol.